
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Get organized

So if you are on the go like me, one of the best things to invest in is a iso bag.

Home from work and I found my bag waiting for me...finally got my little precious. No more carrying around that stupid cooler leaking in my freggin car and loose shaker bottles on the floor. I'm like the Jeffersons ‪#‎movingonup‬‪#‎mealprep‬

I found that these bags are pretty much the same price not matter what so head to your local vitamin shop, gnc or anywhere to get one!...they are such a big help.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

NPC Biking Competiton Prep: Minor Setback

So now that my coach is back from the Dominican Republic, we finally had the chance to hit the gym together and boy he killed me. It was definitely a reality check. We did a leg day and I could hardly walk after. We really focused on holding at the bottom with squats and the leg press so that multiple muscles were activated during each motion and nothing went to waste. Usually I just rush through but not with him, he really pushed me and helped me realize I was only half doing what I was suppose to be doing.

What I like about my coach is he keeps it real. After our workout, he told me I looked great but there was no way id be ready to compete in 5 months, especially with starting over because of my knee injury.  Although its not what I wanted to hear, I took it in and accepted it....however, with the way he pushed me that day he had me wondering ,"where was my sympathy then" haha hands down i have one of the best coaches ever!